The Cazenovia Public Library provides books, audiobooks, DVDs, music CDs, and magazines to MidYork Library patrons with cards in good standing.
Loan Periods:
Books..................................... 3 weeks
Music CDs............................... 3 weeks
Audiobooks............................. 3 weeks
DVDs (TV series/5+Hr) ............. 3 weeks
DVD (Films, <5Hrs) .................. 1 week
Items are eligible for two additional renewals if no other holds exist for the material. An extended due date may be requested prior to checkout. You may renew items online at (you will need your 13 digit Patron ID and your PIN # - usually the last four digits of your phone number) or by calling the Library at 315.655.9322.
Overdue items collect fines per day late: Books .10/day, DVD .50/day. By signing up for a Library card, patrons agree to pay fines on outstanding items. Charges may be payed via credit card through the patron's account.
Digital Material:
MidYork Library patrons may download eBooks, audiobooks, and magazines at no cost. eBooks and audiobooks can be found in our Overdrive catalog (here). Browse and download eligible magazines from the MidYork Zinio catalog (here). Digital material may be signed out for two weeks with no option of renewal. Your material will become unavailable after the borrowing time has expired; no overdue fees are ever charged. Tablet users must download the Overdrive Media Console App or the Kindle App from their respective digital store; both apps are free. For additional assistance, consult MidYork's help page or a Library staff member.
InterLibrary Loans (ILLs):
Items that are not available within the MidYork system may be borrowed from outside libraries (located throughout the United States and some internationally) through InterLibrary Loans. The due dates for such items are more rigidly defined, and the requested material may not be eligible for renewal.