Description:Temporary Assistance is Chautauqua County's term for federal and state temporary assistance programs. These programs give short-term help to families and individuals as they work toward self-sufficiency; Temporary Assistance for Needy families (TANF) Program provides cash assistance to needy families that include a minor child living with a parent (including families where both parents are in the household) or a caretaker relative; Safety Net assistance; Services and Assistance Programs for Non-Parent Caregivers; indigent burials (Indigent Burials The local district provides for burial when a Temporary Assistance recipient or other indigent person dies leaving no funds or insurance sufficient to pay the cost and there are no relatives, friends or other persons liable or willing to take responsibility for the burial expense.) **Temporary assistance for clients who actively receive cash assistance have the water bill vouchered in their name and have to be a home owner. Anyone is able to submit an emergency application for termination notices for water, but they need to go through the eligibility process. The Department of health and Human Services Temporary Assistance Division can provide assistance with short term emergency situations such as homelessness, shelter, evictions foreclosures, utility shut offs. Services assist with benefits Application assistance, housing and counseling and search, financial planning, education/employment guidance, transportation arrangements, legal referral, daily living services, health care and rep payee/fiduciary
Provider:Health and Human Services/Chautauqua County - Mayville
Provider Address:Chautauqua County Department of Health and Human Services, Hall R Clothier Building, 7 North Erie St Second Floor, Mayville, NY, 14757
Areas Served:Chautauqua
Hours of Service:Monday-Friday 08:30 AM-04:30 AM
Transport Available:No
Type:VoiceToll Free:No
(716) 661-8200
Type:VoiceToll Free:No
Type:VoiceToll Free:No
Eligiblity:If unable to work, can't find a job, or job does not pay enough to meet basic needs, Temporary Assistance may be able to help pay expenses. Eligibility for Family Assistance and Safety Net Assistance is determined based on income and resources. To find out if eligible must apply.
Last Update:9/11/2023 1:59 PM
Target Population:Low Income