Description:Personal Well-being
The pressures and challenges of running a farm can affect every aspect of your life. NY FarmNet’s personal consultants can help you manage issues that can disrupt business, family, or personal well-being. Our consultants can assist you with strategies to manage:
•Stress related emotional issues
•Relationship issues
•Family and/or parent-child concerns
•Domestic violence
•Divorce/separation adjustment
•Alcohol and drug concerns
•Depression and anxiety
•Farm conflicts and concerns
•Farm retirement, transfer or exit adjustment
•Health concerns
NY FarmNet has put together some documents that may help farmers and other people in the agricultural sector identify and cope with stress.
Identifying Signs of Stress in Farm Families
How Farmers Can Cope with Stress
Telephone: NY FarmNet(800)-547-3276
Type:VoiceToll Free:Yes
Suicide Prevention Lifeline(800)-273-8255
Type:VoiceToll Free:Yes