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Program Infant/Toddler Program:

Infant/Toddler Program

  • Description:

    Ages 6 weeks to 2 years

    9:00 a.m. – Noon or 9:00 – 3:00 p.m., Minimum 2 Day Session attendance required for children not enrolled in full day care program

    Infant ToddlerThe primary focus of the Infant/Toddler Educational Program is socialization. We allow infants and toddlers the opportunity to develop socially through the development of practical life and sensorial skills while working at their own pace in a safe, nurturing environment.

    For this particular age group, everything – from unique “toys”/Montessori materials to furniture – is made to fit their needs. Furniture is small so as to provide easy access, while most “toys” and Montessori materials are large to ensure safety and encourage large and fine motor skill development.

    The goal is always to provide children of this age with loving support and active stimulation. A free flowing, open learning environment allows for constant movement, manipulation, and constructive, active play while also incorporating structure.

    Children are exposed to music, puppetry, storytelling and other fun activities while simultaneously developing cognitive learning, manners, coordination, balance and more. Everything for infants/toddlers is built upon realistic play. Children are exposed to everything they might commonly find at home, bringing them back to a familiar environment.

    Our dual classroom setting adjoins two rooms to appropriately separate infants and toddlers while encouraging integration when appropriate. Parents can rest assured that young infants are nurtured and cared for in a safe environment; mobile infants and young toddlers are given the space necessary to explore and move freely; and older toddlers (walkers) are also given the freedom and space they need to further develop and explore as well. We invite children to explore openly and develop a form of independence while guiding them every step of the way, as little or as often as they require assistance.

    As toddlers progress (always at their own pace), they are slowly introduced to the preschool program during mini-sessions as we ensure continuity of care and a gradual acclamation to the next step of their education experience.

    Provider:Polimenis London Montessori Nursery School
    Provider Address:Polimenis London Montessori Nursery School, 107 North Main Street, CANANDAIGUA, NY, 14424-
    Transport Available:No

    Infant/Toddler conctact number(585)-394-9410
    Type:VoiceToll Free:No

    Last Update:5/13/2020 8:05 AM
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