Description:Home Repair
The Program:
HFHOC’s Home Preservation is an exterior home repair program that offers painting, landscaping and minor repair services to eligible homeowners so they can continue to live in safe, decent homes for years to come.
How It Works:
Home Preservation is a partnership between current homeowners and Habitat for Humanity. Habitat volunteers provide labor to complete the projects, and an affordable loan is made to the homeowner to cover the cost of materials. Participating homeowners contribute sweat equity* hours in accordance with the size of the project and their ability.
*Sweat equity is a central tenant of Habitat for Humanity and provides meaningful interaction between partner families, Habitat volunteers, other homeowners, Habitat staff, community members and neighbors.
Who Can Apply:
◾Residence of Ontario County* (both individuals and families) that live in and own a home in need of exterior repairs
◾Must meet income guidelines, be current on taxes and have homeowners insurance
◾Applicants must be willing to partner with Habitat
◾Scope of repairs requested must fall within the scope of the program
*Please Note: This program is currently limited to homes within the City of Canandaigua. 2016 projects are made possible by a CDBG grant from the City of Canandaigua.