Description:Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities (TRAID) provides free loans of assistive technology. Assistive equipment and technology loans, from wheelchairs and ramps to communication devices. Delivery and device demonstrations are available. The TRAID Program is an excellent free resource for information and hands-on experience with all types of assistive technology. Provides device demonstrations, as well as advocacy, information and referral to help consumers obtain their own devices. People may try out items while they seek funding to purchase their own. AIM does not provide financial aid. Items available to borrow from AIM include wheelchairs, walkers, Rollators, canes, crutches, ramps, grab bars, Hoyer lifts, adaptive seating, shower chairs, commodes, wander alarms, weighted items, adaptive utensils, laptops, iPads and deaf and blind/low vision technology. Also has learning aids, toys and games for early intervention, as well as pediatric equipment. AIM's TRAID Program serves Steuben, Chemung, Schuyler, Allegany, Cattaraugus and Chautauqua counties.
Free delivery is available.
Provider:AIM Independent Living Center
Provider Address:AIM Independent Living Center, 84 Schuyler St, Belmont, NY, 14813
Areas Served:Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Chemung, Schuyler, Steuben
Hours of Service:Monday-Friday 08:00 AM-04:00 PM
Transport Available:No
Telephone: TRAID Coordinator Hannah Harnas(607)-962-8225 Ext. 133
Type:VoiceToll Free:No
Type:FaxToll Free:No
(888) 962-8244
Toll Free:No
Eligiblity:AIM Independent Living Center is a nonprofit organization that provides supports and services to people with disabilities. AIM serves people of all ages, with any type of disability.
Last Update:2/28/2023 2:27 PM