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Program Adult Day Health Care:

Adult Day Health Care

  • Description:

    7th Floor C-Wing, 113 Holland Ave, Albany, NY 12208 Tel: 518-626-6120 Fax: 518-626-6045

    A Medical Day Program for Veterans

    Adult day health care is an outpatient daytime program that provides health maintenance, case management and rehabilitation services for frail elderly and functionally impaired veterans.

    The program goals are to:

    *Maximize the veterans level of independence

    *Avoid unnecessary institutionalization

    *Enable elderly and functionally impaired veterans to remain in supportive home environments

    Adult Day Health Care (ADHC) utilizes a team of health care professionals who work together to develop a comprehensive treatment plan for each individual based upon the person's needs and interest. The ADHC program is open from 8 am to 4:15 pm Monday through Friday, except on national holidays.

    The ADHC program provides a structured and supervised environment with coordinated health services. These services are provided by a health care team under the supervision of a medical doctor. Services may include:

    *Nursing and Medical Care

    -Health Monitoring

    -Prescribed Treatments

    -Health Education

    -Case Management

    *Social Work

    -Counseling Support for Veterans and/or Caregivers

    *Rehabilitation Services

    -Individualized Therapy Services


    -Regular Meals

    -Special Diets

    -Nutrition Counseling

    *Recreation Services

    -Social Interactions and Friendship

    -Exercise, Crafts, Activities

    Participant and Caregiver Responsibilities

    1. To actively participate and cooperate with your individual plan of care.

    2. To ask questions and make suggestions as the need arises.

    3. To report any illness you may be experiencing.

    4. To treat ADHC staff members and other participants with respect, and observe their privacy rights. (Cameras and tape recorders are prohibited)

    5. To use appropriate language and behavior for a health care environment.

    6. To refrain from bringing in food items (birthday cakes, cookies, etc without special permission)

    7. To follow the safety rules including the NYS and federal "No Smoking" laws.

    8. To keep you outpatient treatment appointments as scheduled.

    9. To avoid interfering with the treatment of other veterans.

    10. Staff work areas are off limits for veterans when not accompanied by staff.

    Charges/Fees for ADHC

    Depending on your VA eligibility category there may be a fee for the ADHC program. As a non-service connected veteran, you will need to complete a 10-10 EC.


    Provider:Stratton VA Medical Center
    Provider Address:Stratton VA Medical Center, 113 Holland Ave, ALBANY, NY, 12208-
    Areas Served:Rensselaer
    Transport Available:No
    Eligiblity:*require help with eating, dressing, bathing, toileting *have had 3 or more hospitalizations in the last year *have used the Emergency Department or outpatient clinics 12 or more times in the last year *have recently been discharged from a nursing home *have difficulty with memory or making decisions
    Last Update:10/29/2020 8:19 AM
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