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Viewing 1-10 of 42 Results
  • Home Energy Assistance Program - HEAP

    Home Energy Assistance Program

    • Utility subsidy to those 60+ & income eligible

    Provider:Onondaga County Office for Aging
    Provider Address:421 Montgomery Street, 10th Floor, Onondaga, Syracuse, NY, 13202
    Onondaga County Office for Aging
  • HEAP

    The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), funded by the Department of Social Services (DSS) provides heating assistance to income-tested households for cold weather emergencies. Emergency heating equipment repair and replacement program may offer furnace replacement and/or repair for applicant-owned heating equipment. Assistance with cooling needs also available.

    Provider:Broome County Department of Social Services Johnson City
    Provider Address:601-635 Harry L Drive, Suite 56, Broome, Johnson City, NY, 13790
    Telephone:(607) 778-1100
    Broome County Department of Social Services Johnson City
  • Senior Direct/Concern Program

    Seniors 62 + or disabled may be eligible for special protections and payment programs. After confirmation of eligibility, will receive an enrollment brochure in the mail with instructions to sign up for specific CONCERN program benefits, such as quarterly billing and enlarged and/or braille bills.

    Provider:Con Edison
    Provider Address:Westchester Headquarters, 511 Theodore Fremd Avenue, Westchester, Rye, NY, 10580
    Con Edison
  • Fuel Group

    Citizen Action of New York has teamed up with NYPIRG's Fuel Buyers Group. Together, they contract with local fuel suppliers for discount rates resulting in savings for members. To join, please complete and return your application to NYPIRG along with the annual, tax-deductible membership contribution of $40 ($20 for senior citizens). Active duty military and members of participating unions are free. The cost of home heating oil, kerosene and propane is reduced to members. Unfortunately, due to recent changes in regulation by the Public Service Commission, they are unable to add new gas and electric accounts at this time.

    Provider:Citizen Action of New York
    Provider Address:477 State Street, Broome, Binghamton, NY, 13901
    Telephone:(607) 723-0110
    Citizen Action of New York
  • Cooling Assistance Program

    Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) is a federally funded energy program designed to assist eligible low-income households. Apply for cooling assistance to receive an air condition or a fan. To qualify for this program must meet income guidelines and have a medical condition that is exasperated by heat. Additional information regarding the Cooling program can be obtained by calling (716) 661-8103. Cooling assistance funds are limited and are distributed on a first-come-first-serve basis.

    Provider:Health and Human Services/Chautauqua County - Mayville
    Provider Address:Chautauqua County Department of Health and Human Services, Hall R Clothier Building, 7 North Erie St Second Floor, Chautauqua, Mayville, NY, 14757
    Telephone:(716) 661-8103, (716)-753-4385, (716)-753-4649, (716)-753-2131
    Health and Human Services/Chautauqua County - Mayville
  • HEAP

    Home Energy Assistance Program. Home energy assistance program is for low income households. The eligibility is monthly income

    Provider:Allegany County Department of Social Services
    Provider Address:7 Court Street, Allegany, Belmont, NY, 14813-
    Allegany County Department of Social Services
  • Utility Services

    Provides natural gas and electric utilities.

    Budget billing is available; customer pays average monthly amount based on 12 months of use.

    If a customer has a shut-off notice due to arrears, customers in this situation should contact Customer Service to see if an installment plan is available. If the installment plan is not affordable, a minimum installment plan may be available. Under this payment plan the customer would need to pay each current bill plus $10 toward arrears each month.

    EBD (Elderly, Blind, Disabled) Customer Protections: All members of the household must be over 62, blind, or disabled. If there is a shut off notice 3 attempts will be made to notify these customers before following through with a shut off. If the customer is contacted and a referral to Social Services is made, the customer has 15 business days before the shut off is carried out. During the cold weather season (November 1st-April 15th) if one member of the household is elderly, blind or disabled, the household qualifies for this protection. If the customer is contacted and a referral to Social Services is made the shut off process is put on hold.

    Provider:New York State Electric and Gas
    Provider Address:6544 Lincoln Avenue, Niagara, Lockport, NY, 14094
    Telephone:800-572-1111, 585-724-8811, 800-572-1131, 800-572-1121, 888-315-1755
    New York State Electric and Gas
  • HEAP

    The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) helps low-income people pay the cost of heating their homes.

    Provider:Orleans County Office for the Aging
    Provider Address:14016 Route 31 West, Orleans, Albion, NY, 14411
    Orleans County Office for the Aging
  • Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)

    The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) is a federal grant program that assists income eligible households in paying for energy costs, repairs and weatherization. Income eligible customers may receive one regular HEAP benefit per season. In addition to regular HEAP, households may also be eligible for emergency HEAP benefits. Call the HEAP information line at (585)753-6477 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

    Monroe County residents age 60 years or older, and are not currently in reciept of Temporary Assistance or Food Stamps, please call the Senior HEAP office at Lifespan at 244-8400 ext. 102 for assistance to answer questions, assist with the application process, and address any emergency heating situations.

    Residents currently receiving Temporary Assistance or Food Stamps, please contact their worker directly. In most cases, you are automatically eligible and a HEAP benefit has likely already been calculated and authorized for payment in January.

    Provider:HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program)
    Provider Address:111 Westfall Road, Monroe, Rochester, NY, 14620-
    HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program)
  • Energy Affordability Program (EAP)

    Offers discounts on the monthly energy bill to customers receiving benefits from an eligible government assistance program such as HEAP, SNAP, SSI, TANF

    Provider:Con Edison
    Provider Address:Westchester Headquarters, 511 Theodore Fremd Avenue, Westchester, Rye, NY, 10580
    Con Edison
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