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Term: Category: Transportation

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Viewing 1-10 of 121 Results
  • NorthEast Dutchess Transit--Pida-Un-Aventón

    El Northeast Dutchess Transit de NECC puede llevarlo a cualquier lugar del condado de Dutchess para citas médicos, de compras o sociales, incluso para conectarse al tren. También podemos llevarlo al médico o al hospital en Sharon, CT. Servimos a los residentes de Amenia, Dover, Millerton, Pine Plains, Millbrook y Stanford. Viaje gratis. Apreciamos donaciones.

    Llame a (518) 592-1399 ext. 102 o un correo electrónico a NEDT@neccmillerton.org para reservar un viaje. Se recomienda un preadviso de 5 días. Las primera prioridad es para personas mayores y las personas con discapacidades con citas médicas. Favor de decirnos de cualquier necesidad especial. Operamos una furgoneta con ascensor para silla de ruedas.

    ¡Llámenos! (518) 592-1399 extensión 5

    Provider:North East Community Center
    Provider Address:51 South Center Street, Dutchess, Millerton, NY, 12546
    North East Community Center
  • Lakeville Ambulette Transportation

    Offers adults in the communities, nursing homes and health care facilities with non-emergency ambulette transportation services. Fees depend on distance traveled, round-trip/single-trip, steps in and outside of the home, transfers. Additional fees may apply.

    Provider:Lakeville Ambulette Transportation
    Provider Address:1 Olde Country Rd, Nassau, Carle Place, NY, 11514
    Telephone:(516) 281-7001
    Lakeville Ambulette Transportation
  • GetThere Call Center

    The GetThere Call Center, operated by the Rural Health Network, provides FREE trip planning, travel training, and transportation education services to people throughout the region and beyond. Clients can call anytime after hours to leave a message. Travel training provided for individuals or groups in how to use public, volunteer, and private transportation services. Alternate phone number to reach GetThere call center is 211.

    Provider:Rural Health Network of South Central New York, Inc.
    Provider Address:455 Court Street, Broome, Binghamton, NY, 13904
    Rural Health Network of South Central New York, Inc.
  • Access Chemung

    A new pilot shared, curb to curb bus service connecting seniors and people with disabilities with accessible transportation to employment and medical appointments.*

    WHO: This new, pilot service is a private pay option for seniors 60 and older or a person with a disability people who needs a wheelchair accessible vehicle to get to non-Medicaid medical appointments such as dialysis (Medicaid recipients have transportation as a covered service and are not eligible for this program for medical appointments). Also, trips will be provided to a person with a disability traveling for employment. You must be an approved applicant to utilize this service. Applications will be reviewed by the Chemung County Office of Aging and Long Term Care, the Chemung County Volunteer Action Corps, or the Chemung County Mobility Manager.

    What is the fare: The fare is $15 each way and service will be provided by a wheelchair accessible bus. If you do not require accessible transportation, there are other services such as taxi, which may be a more economical option.

    Where: Service is provided within Chemung County and to Robert Packer Hospital or Corning Hospital. Service is curb to curb, and there is no additional charge for an aide or family member who may be accompanying you for your appointment.

    When: Reservations are requested 3 days in advance, but not later than 2PM the day prior to the needed ride. Service hours are: Monday – Friday 5:30AM-8:30PM. Reservations may be made from 8:00AM-4:00PM. A time will be set to pick-up for your return trip; however, if you are finished early or late, call 734-5211 to adjust your pick up time.

    Why: This pilot transportation option is being developed to fill a gap in service identified by residents and the Chemung County Coordinated Transportation Committee. Accessible transportation is difficult for people who do not live on bus routes or are not covered by Medicaid to access critical medical care. Current accessible transportation can be more expensive and this service is intended to be an additional accessible transportation option.

    Provider:Chemung County Transit
    Provider Address:1201 Clemens Center Parkway, Chemung, Elmira, NY, 14901
    Chemung County Transit
  • Essential Transportation Program

    Provides curb side transportation to clients for medical appointments, food shopping, adult day care program, nutrition sites and senior citizens centers or Government Offices within the Town of Islip. Wheelchair accessible. Call for volunteer opportunities. (631)224-5686

    Provider:Town of Islip Human Services Division of Senior Citizen Services
    Provider Address:50 Irish Lane, Suffolk, East Islip, NY, 11730-
    Town of Islip Human Services Division of Senior Citizen Services
  • Way2Go Cortland

    The one-stop-shop for all your transportation needs.

    Way2Go Cortland is the mobility management

    system for Cortland County. We help develop

    a robust, inclusive transportation system by

    coordinating policy, acting as an operation

    service broker and customer travel negotiator.

    We enhance cross-system collaboration

    between the public and private providers,

    research, purchase, and implement new

    technologies. We also have programs in place to conduct rider and driver training to increase access, safety, and utilization of all modes of transportation. We also design and produce literacy appropriate marketing materials and campaigns, and explore regional service potential. Our goals include:

    •Expanding and creating new transit services to meet low income worker requirements including employment, job training and child care services.

    •Expanding and creating new transit services that are designated to assist individuals living with disabilities, older adults and those who are economically disadvantaged.

    For more, visit the Way2Go website!

    Provider:Seven Valley Health Coalition
    Provider Address:10 Kennedy Parkway, Cortland, Cortland, NY, 13045
    Seven Valley Health Coalition
  • Medicaid Transportation

    Medicaid enrollees that are eligible for medicaid transportation may get transportation to and from most medical appointments. All medicaid trips should be called in at least three (3) days in advance. All trips using public transportation should be called into MAS five (5) days in advance. Urgent or last minute trips can be requested but please understand last minute trip requests are difficult to accommodate, especially in rural areas.

    Provider:Medicaid Answering Services, LLC (MAS)
    Provider Address:PO Box 11998, Onondaga, SYRACUSE, NY, 13218-
    Medicaid Answering Services, LLC (MAS)
  • Washington Lexington Houses Neighborhood Senior Center

    Congregate meals, activities and recreation, information and referrals, health screenings for residents 60 years old and older.

    Provider:Union Settlement Association
    Provider Address:1775 Third Avenue (at 98th Street), New York, NY,
    Union Settlement Association
  • Medical Transportation

    Provides non-emergency medical transportation. Ambulatory and wheelchair door-through-door service. Serves Broome, Chenango, Tioga, and Delaware counties.

    Provider:HTM MedTrans
    Telephone:(607)-321-8520, (607)-348-1671
    HTM MedTrans
  • Suffolk County Accessible Transportation System

    SCAT provides curb-to-curb transportation and will pick up/drop off between any two points in Suffolk County within 3/4 mile of a Suffolk County Transit or HART bus route. All types of trips may be requested, including social, recreational, medical, work or shopping trips. Trip reservations are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Call for more information.

    Provider:Suffolk County Office for People with Disabilities
    Provider Address:725 Veterans Memorial Highway, Suffolk, Hauppauge, NY, 11788
    Suffolk County Office for People with Disabilities
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