The one-stop-shop for all your transportation needs.
Way2Go Cortland is the mobility management
system for Cortland County. We help develop
a robust, inclusive transportation system by
coordinating policy, acting as an operation
service broker and customer travel negotiator.
We enhance cross-system collaboration
between the public and private providers,
research, purchase, and implement new
technologies. We also have programs in place to conduct rider and driver training to increase access, safety, and utilization of all modes of transportation. We also design and produce literacy appropriate marketing materials and campaigns, and explore regional service potential. Our goals include:
•Expanding and creating new transit services to meet low income worker requirements including employment, job training and child care services.
•Expanding and creating new transit services that are designated to assist individuals living with disabilities, older adults and those who are economically disadvantaged.
For more, visit the Way2Go website!