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Resources that provide survival level services including food, housing, material goods, transportati...
The New York Caregiving Portal is an online tool available at no cost to any individual providing un...
Resources that provide medical and/or supportive services for people with disabilities or behavioral...
Resources that help meet financial needs by helping people find and sustain employment, enroll in pu...
Resources that help people access social groups and activities in their communities including commun...
Resources that protect consumer rights, help with legal services and provide information on public s...
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New Hope Partners weekly groups are a critical support for families living with domestic violence. Evidence shows that domestic violence peer support group programs are particularly effective in "alleviating depression and stress, increasing self-esteem, self-efficacy and psychological well-being.'' When participants are asked how the group helped them, women mention feeling empowered, more valued, more confident and having new coping tools to make needed changes in their lives. Our groups reported more tangible support, higher internal locus of control and greater satisfaction with our services.
Support group for those suffering from Lyme and other tick borne diseases. Support and advice, brochures available.
Second Wednesday of each month,7:30 p.m., Pleasant Valley Presbyterian Church, Rt. 44 Pleasant Valley, Wheelchair accessible, Contact: Rachel at 845-229-8925
Connect with others in support groups for cancer patients, loved ones and people who have lost a loved one, led by oncology social workers. Online, telephone, and face-to-face support groups.
Northern Regional Center for Independent Living is a disability rights and resource center serving Jefferson and Lewis counties.
NRCIL promotes efforts to end discrimination, segregation, and prejudice against people with disabilities.
NRCIL works with community partners to create an accessible, inclusive society.
Through NRCIL, people discover choices to live more independently, with enhanced dignity.
Once a month on Alder Street - Seneca Court (Contact Rich Riley)
Call interfaith Caregivers for more details.
Interfaith Caregivers is a caring community of volunteers from any faith and age whose responsibility it is to work with, serve and assist people in order that they may maintain their independence and dignity to the highest possible degree.
The agency primarily serves the frail elderly, as well as the physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually disabled and/or their families.
Support groups provide a consistent and caring place for individuals affected by Alzheimer's disease, dementia or memory loss to discuss challenges, share feelings, and find emotional support. Group members also exchange information and educate themselves about dementia. Support groups are let by individuals who have undergone extensive training by the Alzheimer's Association. Call or go to our website to obtain more information about available support groups in your area.
This educational and social gathering is for first time mothers and their babies. Carrie Hartman, RN, BSN, and Courtney Phillips, RN, lactation consultant will be available to answer questions about breastfeeding and parenting. Meetings are open to all women regardless of where the baby was born. No RSVP required.
Thompson Hospital, OB Classroom
The American Lung Association of New York State works to promote lung health and prevent lung disease across New York State. We work to help protect and educate some ten million people in 57 counties. In addition, we work closely with the American Lung Association of the City of New York to serve the entire state through education, public health advocacy and research.Public health education through distribution of literature and films to schools and general public: provides health message for radio and television. Provides Freedom from Smoking clinics for those wishing to stop smoking. Teen smoking programs for schools that want their students to stop smoking. Indoor air quality programs for building owners, managers and homeowners, school building staff. Provides support groups for respiratory disease patients. Asthma Awareness programs for families with asthmatic children. In-service training is available for teachers, nurses and others who work with children with asthma.
O'Connor Hospital sponsors a Diabetic Support Group the third Monday of each month from September through May.
Parent support meetings, advocacy for disabled child's education. Crisis intervention - hospital visits, meals, family activities, quarterly newsletter, lending library, parent quarterly newsletter, HCBS waiver/case management. Dept. of Health approved provider of services to persons w/traumatic brain injury. Mother's Bible study. OMRDD home & community based services, residential habilitation, day habilitation & respite provider. Family reimbursement program for emergency needs.