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Term: Category: Public Safety

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Viewing 1-10 of 60 Results
  • Ambulance Squads and Fire Departments

    Programs that are responsible for preventing, investigating, controlling and extinguishing fires. Activities include fire safety education, firefighting, investigating the causes of suspicious fires, maintaining equipment and trained firefighters necessary for a quick and efficient response to fires when they occur, and enforcing fire codes which protect lives and property from fires and explosions arising from the storage, handling and use of hazardous substances, materials and devices, or from conditions hazardous to life and property in the use or occupancy of buildings or other premises.

    Provider:Caughdenoy Volunteer Fire Department
    Provider Address:48 Prospect St, Oswego, Central Square, NY, 13036-
    Telephone:(315) 668-3551
    Caughdenoy Volunteer Fire Department
  • Environmental Health

    The Environmental Health Division of the Cattaraugus County Department of Health is charged with enforcement of the NYS Sanitary Code (10 NYCRR), NYS Public Health Law and the Sanitary Code of the Cattaraugus County Health District. In addition, we issue permits and review engineering plans for many associations, businesses and activities, which potentially impact public health. All fees charged by the Environmental Health Division are established by the Cattaraugus County Legislature (Environmental Health Services Fees).

    Please see the links listed below under the Services heading for information regarding specific Environmental Health programs. Our offices may also provide services and education to residents regarding other environmental health concerns. Feel free to contact us if you cannot find answers to your questions on our webpages.


    Activities Requiring Permits

    Drinking Water Testing in Schools

    Food Service & Inspections


    Free Lead Testing Pilot Program

    Health Inspectors by Town

    Health and Safety Recalls

    Healthy Neighborhoods Program

    Insect Control

    Nuisances & Complaints

    Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems

    Onsite Water Supplies

    Private Water & Wastewater Utilities

    Public Water Systems

    Rabies Prevention

    Tobacco Use & Distribution Laws

    Veggie Wheels®

    Water Treatment Systems

    Waterborne Illness & Disinfection

    Water/Wastewater Surveys for Real Property Transfer Inspections

    Provider:Cattaraugus County Health Department
    Provider Address:1 Leo Moss Drive Suite 4010, Cattaraugus, Olean, NY, 14760-
    Cattaraugus County Health Department
  • Police

    state the emergency, your location and your name

    Provider:Police: Dial 911
    Police: Dial 911
  • Ambulance Squads and Fire Departments

    Programs that are responsible for preventing, investigating, controlling and extinguishing fires. Activities include fire safety education, firefighting, investigating the causes of suspicious fires, maintaining equipment and trained firefighters necessary for a quick and efficient response to fires when they occur, and enforcing fire codes which protect lives and property from fires and explosions arising from the storage, handling and use of hazardous substances, materials and devices, or from conditions hazardous to life and property in the use or occupancy of buildings or other premises.

    Provider:Cody Fire Department
    Provider Address:31 Wilcox Rd., Oswego, Fulton, NY, 13069-
    Telephone:(315) 593-8977
    Cody Fire Department
  • Ambulance Squads and Fire Departments

    Programs that are responsible for preventing, investigating, controlling and extinguishing fires. Activities include fire safety education, firefighting, investigating the causes of suspicious fires, maintaining equipment and trained firefighters necessary for a quick and efficient response to fires when they occur, and enforcing fire codes which protect lives and property from fires and explosions arising from the storage, handling and use of hazardous substances, materials and devices, or from conditions hazardous to life and property in the use or occupancy of buildings or other premises.

    Provider:Constantia Volunteer Fire Department
    Provider Address:23 Mill St, Oswego, Constantia, NY, 13044-
    Telephone:(315) 623-7351
    Constantia Volunteer Fire Department
  • Ambulance Squads and Fire Departments

    Programs that are responsible for preventing, investigating, controlling and extinguishing fires. Activities include fire safety education, firefighting, investigating the causes of suspicious fires, maintaining equipment and trained firefighters necessary for a quick and efficient response to fires when they occur, and enforcing fire codes which protect lives and property from fires and explosions arising from the storage, handling and use of hazardous substances, materials and devices, or from conditions hazardous to life and property in the use or occupancy of buildings or other premises.

    Provider:Richland Fire Department
    Provider Address:30 Phillips St, Oswego, Richland, NY, 13144-
    Telephone:(315) 298-6066
    Richland Fire Department
  • Fire Regulations Monitoring

    Through the Broome County Health Department, this program provides inspection and surveillance of Broome County hotels and motels and other temporary residences for compliance with New York State fire safety and building construction codes.

    Provider:Broome County Health Department
    Provider Address:225 Front St, Broome, Binghamton, NY, 13905
    Broome County Health Department
  • Safety Courses

    The YMCA provides safety courses such as lifesaving, first aid, CPR, water safety and swimming. Call for dates and times.

    Provider:YMCA of Broome County
    Provider Address:61 Susquehanna Street, Broome, Binghamton, NY, 13901
    Telephone:(607) 772-0560
    YMCA of Broome County
  • Health and Safety Services

    Last year, nearly 12 million people nationally enrolled in American Red Cross health and safety courses. Locally, you can help the Red Cross save lives. Become an instructor or an authorized provider, take a course, or volunteer with the Mohawk Valley Chapter.

    Provider:American Red Cross Mohawk Valley Chapter
    Provider Address:235 North Prospect Street, Herkimer, Herkimer, NY, 13350
    American Red Cross Mohawk Valley Chapter
  • Communication Division

    The Cattaraugus County 9-1-1 Center is a part of the Communications Division of the Sheriff's Office. Our division provides critical and lifesaving support to not only the Sheriff's Office and its personnel, but to every public safety agency in Cattaraugus County.

    We serve as the vital communications link between the residents of and visitors to Cattaraugus County and emergency service providers. We will use all available resources to provide our service with the highest level of courtesy, accuracy, dependability, professionalism and speed for the benefit of all we serve. We will continue our commitment to the partnerships we have with both the public and emergency service providers, helping to ensure the safety of both.

    Provider:Cattaraugus County Sheriff's Office
    Provider Address:301 Court Street, Cattaraugus, Little Valley, NY, 14755
    Cattaraugus County Sheriff's Office
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