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Term: Category: Household Items

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Viewing 1-10 of 72 Results
  • Salvation Army Thrift Store - Jamestown

    All donated or purchased items from the Salvation Army thrift store generates income that provides helpful programs and essential services to people in need in the community. Takes donations of household goods, clothing, vehicles, appliances, jewelry, etc..

    Provider:Salvation Army Thrift Store
    Provider Address:The Salvation Army Thrift Store, 585 Fairmount Avenue, Chautauqua, Jamestown, NY, 14701
    Salvation Army Thrift Store
  • Critical Home Repair Program

    Assists homeowners with critical repairs to their homes.

    Provider:Habitat for Humanity Buffalo
    Provider Address:1675 South Park Avenue, Erie, Buffalo, NY, 14220
    Telephone:(716)-204-0740, (716)-235-8258
    Habitat for Humanity Buffalo
  • Thrift Store

    Low-cost, gently used clothing, furniture, appliances, housewares, accessories, and more.

    Provider:Buffalo City Mission Thrift Store
    Provider Address:Dick-Urban Plaza, 510 Dick Road, Erie, Depew, NY, 14043-
    Telephone:(716) 681-9128
    Buffalo City Mission Thrift Store
  • Thrift Shop

    Memory Lane Thrift Shop open Monday-Friday 10am-2pm. Call for any Saturday hours.

    Provider:Cambridge Valley Senior Center
    Provider Address:5 Park Place, Washington, Cambridge, NY, 12816-
    Cambridge Valley Senior Center
  • NYS Parks discount program

    For NYS parks, age 62 and over For free vehicle entry into state parks on non-holiday weekdays, justshow driver's license or proof of age and residence at entrance.

    Provider:Rockland Office for the Aging - NYS Golden Park Program
    Provider Address:Rockland,
    Telephone:(518) 474-0456
    Rockland Office for the Aging - NYS Golden Park Program
  • Project Prevention

    This program works with low-income families in the inner-city of Buffalo who are at risk of being separated due to extreme poverty. The project works to give basic living essentials, such as clothing, food, personal care items, and furniture to families. In addition, families are mentored and are provided with tools, supports, and resources to help build stability and for the family to achieve independence.

    Provider:Buffalo Dream Center
    Provider Address:286 Lafayette Avenue, Erie, Buffalo, NY, 14213-
    Buffalo Dream Center
  • The Sunshine Shop

    The Sunshine Shop is open for business. Stop in and see us. Open Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Lots of winter clothes, jeans in all sizes, housewares and lots more.

    Provider:South Otselic United Methodist Church
    Provider Address:South Otselic United Methodist Church, 102 Clarence Church Road, Chenango, South Otselic, NY, 13155-
    South Otselic United Methodist Church
  • Trusted Friends Home Care

    Trusted Friends provide in-home care workers to help older adults maintain independence and live comfortably in their homes. With background checks conducted, qualification training and insured employees, Trusted Friends allows their client to feel at ease with receiving assistance in the home. Services include:

    • Daily check ins by phone or in person

    • Medication reminders

    • Light housekeeping and laundry

    • Grocery shopping and meal preparation

    • Transportation and/or escort to appointments or social functions

    • Companionship

    • Home repairs

    • Nursing home visits

    • Inspects for home safety

    • Lawn care/snow shoveling

    • And more!

    Provider:Trusted Friends Placement Agency
    Provider Address:PO Box 613, Herkimer, Ilion, NY, 13357-
    Trusted Friends Placement Agency
  • New 2 U - Thrift Store

    The New 2 U Thrift Store is volunteer-led and is managed by the 50 Forward Mohawk Valley. All of the proceeds from the store benefit programs and services of 50 Forward MV and the Central New York Veteran's Outreach Center. These are two local organizations, which means all proceeds stay local.

    At the thrift store you can get everything from craft supplies, to clothing (infants-adults). We have bedding, gardening supplies, electronics, jewelry and more!

    Located at 726 Washington Street, Utica NY

    Provider:50 Forward Mohawk Valley
    Provider Address:Parkway Center, 220 Memorial Parkway, Oneida, Utica, NY, 13501-
    Telephone:315-624-7438, 315-223-3973
    50 Forward Mohawk Valley
  • MVCAA Community Action Angels

    Oftentimes, the immediate needs of families to obtain stability do not fall within regular funding guidelines. Needs such as household items, bedding, clothing, car seats, bus passes, etc. are all vital to a family's ability to function in society; however, these are the needs that are not addressed under most funding sources.

    To address this need, MVCAA developed its MVCAA Angels program. MVCAA Angels take requests for these everyday necessities and, through a network of volunteers, attempts to fulfill these needs on an individual basis. MVCAA's Angels accepts donations of personal hygiene products, household items, furniture, etc., as well as monetary donations to help low-income families across the service area. MVCAA Angels have helped the mother escaping domestic violence issues to reestablish a household; provide teens with needed personal hygiene products, supplied new parents with formula and car seats; assisted seniors by replacing refrigerators and appliances that no longer work. The Angels have developed a network of staff, community members, and organizations that can quickly come to the aid of a family in need...MVCAA Angels is often the only source that can provide that assistance. An all volunteer/donation project, MVCAA's Community Angels have helped hundreds of people throughout the community.

    Provider:Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency - MVCAA
    Provider Address:9882 River Road, Oneida, Utica, NY, 13502-
    Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency - MVCAA
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