Delaware Opportunities Housing department offers a variety of housing programs to assist Delaware County residents such as:
Elderly Emergency Home Repair\Restore Program
This program assists individuals over age 60 with an income below 60% of median with emergency home repairs. There is a maximum grant amount and the residence must be an owner occupied single family home. Mobile homes are also eligible.
Section 8 Rental Assistance
This program is funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and is designed to help low income single persons or families pay their rent, thus allowing them to live in safe, sanitary and healthy conditions. Qualified tenants are required to pay alt least 30% of their income towards their rent and utilities and HUD will pick up the rest in the form of a Housing Assistance Payment that is mailed directly to the landlord.
Access to Home
This program is designed to permit person with disabilities to maintain residence or achieve residence either in their own home or in a rental unit where other assistance is not available. Repairs will be limited to accessibility issues only. Who may qualify: residences of Delaware County, Households earnings at or below 80% of the median income, those currently in nursing or adult homes prevented from independent living due to a lack of accessibility, those with a disability or medical reason requiring adaptations as evidenced by medical certification or certification from ORMDD. Both owned and rental units are eligible.
RESTORE (Elderly Emergency Home Repair)
This program is an Elderly (over 60) emergency repair program for people with income below 80% of median. There is a maximum grant amount. The residence must be an owner occupied sing family home. mobile homes are also eligible.
Homeowners receiving grants will be required to have a security lien placed on the property for three (3) years.
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Housing Rehabilitation Program
CDBG is funded by the Development of Housing and Urban Development through the NY State Office of Community Renewal. Funds are secured for use in a specific target area. The purpose of this rehabilitation program is to assist property owners who meet the program guidelines, in making repairs to their homes.
Grants are available for low to moderate income owner occupants. Owner occupants of multi-family homes are eligible to receive a grant for their property if the owners as well as the tenants are income eligible for the program.
There will be a lien filed on the property for a five (5) year period. Homeowners receiving the grant will be required to repay the grant only if the property is sold within the five year period prorated over the sixy month period.
HOME Program
HOME is a Housing Rehabilitation Program which is available county wide. The purpose of this rehabilitation program is to assist property owners who meet program guidelines, in making repairs to their home.
Eligible homeowners income will not exceed 50% of median income. Housing rehabilitation grants are available for up to $25,000.
Other housing programs offered by Delaware Opportunities include Family Self Sufficiency (FSS), Home Ownership Program and Housing Counseling.
Contact Delaware Opportunities Housing Department for more information or to apply for the programs offered through the agency.