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Term: Category: Home Repair and Modification

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Viewing 1-10 of 604 Results
  • Medical Supplies Equipment and Appliances

    Programs that pay for or provide necessary in-home hospital equipment, monitoring devices, respiratory aids, prevention kits and other medical supplies that are required by people who want to prevent the transmission of an infectious disease, are coping with the effects of a chronic health condition or disability or are convalescing following surgery or illness. Included are programs that provide medical equipment on a loan basis as well as those that provide equipment that people can keep.

    Provider:Calvary Home Health Agency and Hospice Care
    Provider Address:1740 Eastchester Road, Bronx, Bronx, NY, 10461
    Calvary Home Health Agency and Hospice Care
  • Hospice Care

    Catskill Area Hospice & Palliative Care provides a full spectrum of hospice care in patients’ homes, assisted living facilities or in nursing homes. Hospice patients are as active as possible in their care decisions, choosing where they want to live and when they want to receive services.

    CAHPC can provide medical consultation, skilled nursing care, pain management and medications, home health aides, medical equipment coordination and delivery, social worker visits, as well as a range of family services to help make life easier for everyone.

    Provider:Helios Care
    Provider Address:5 1/2 Main Street, Suite 7, Delaware, Delhi, NY, 13753
    Helios Care
  • Loan Closet

    FREE (gently used) medical equipment including wheelchairs, walkers, canes, crutches, shower benches, raised toilet seats, portable ramps, and more based on availability.

    Provider:Independent Living of the Genesee Region
    Provider Address:319 West Main Street, Genesee, Batavia, NY, 14020
    Independent Living of the Genesee Region
  • Durable Medical Equipment

    Durable medical equipment

    Provider:Kelley Phillips Post #569
    Provider Address:Kelly Phillips Post #569, 115 Madison St., Oneida, Oriskany Falls, NY, 13425
    Kelley Phillips Post #569
  • Medical Diagnostic Equipment

    Offers in-home including blood pressure monitors, diabetic glucose monitoring units, etc. Also offers equipment for medical professionals (doctors, nurses, EMTs, etc.)

    Provider:Nekos-Dedricks Pharmacy
    Provider Address:86 North Front Street, Ulster, Kingston, NY, 12401-
    Nekos-Dedricks Pharmacy
  • Independent Living Aides & Accessories - Vision

    independent living aids, LLC is the oldest privately-held, mail-order company in the United States of products for individuals who are visually impaired or blind. For over thirty years, we have been providing essential aids with our superb service, and we are proud to be a trusted source of products for the blind and visually impaired. We offer carefully selected, quality products at reasonable prices. item we carry is chosen because it offers features that make it easier to use by individuals with vision problems or a hearing loss. Some items have LARGE print, many talk, others have tactile markings, Braille, vibration alerts, strobe lights or are just easy to use

    Provider:Independent Living Aids LLC
    Provider Address:P.O.Box 9022, Nassau, Hicksville, NY, 11802
    Independent Living Aids LLC

    No requirements, if they are down to limited supply if someone is a vet and need it more would try to give it to them first.

    Provider:Cooperstown Veteran's Club
    Provider Address:60 Main St., Otsego, Cooperstown, NY, 13326
    Cooperstown Veteran's Club
  • Medical Supplies Equipment and Appliances

    Programs that pay for or provide necessary in-home hospital equipment, monitoring devices, respiratory aids, prevention kits and other medical supplies that are required by people who want to prevent the transmission of an infectious disease, are coping with the effects of a chronic health condition or disability or are convalescing following surgery or illness. Included are programs that provide medical equipment on a loan basis as well as those that provide equipment that people can keep.

    Provider:Essex County Nursing Service
    Provider Address:132 Water Street, PO Box 217, Essex, Elizabethtown, NY, 12932
    Essex County Nursing Service

    Email Address: info@mainmobility.com
    Services Provided: Automobile/van adaptation such as lowered floor mini vans, lifts, driving aids including hand controls, steering grips and pedal
    extenders, automotive mobility assists including mobility and transfer seats and home mobility products, including portable ramps and stair glides. Also provides training programs designed to inform individuals the proper and safe way to secure clients in wheelchairs using the down systems. Instructions on operation and general maintenance of wheelchair lifts.
    Public Transportation: Located on or near bus route. Representatives will come to your location for group training.

    Provider:Main Mobility
    Provider Address:9580 Main Street, Erie, Clarence, NY, 14031
    Main Mobility
  • Breast Prostheses and Accessories

    Retail outlet for breast prostheses and mastectomy bras. Will assist with insurance billing. Appointments preferred.

    Provider:American Cancer Society (ACS) Nassau County
    Provider Address:6800 Jericho Turnpike, Nassau, Syosset, NY, 11791
    American Cancer Society (ACS) Nassau County
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