Our Medicaid Service Coordination Program can help you access services you need in order to live a full and independent life.
How does the program work?
A Medicaid Service Coordinator (MSC) will work with you to develop an Individualized Service Plan (ISP) that will help you maximize your capabilities and reach your goals. Your Medicaid Service Coordinator will also play an active role in helping you access community resources by communicating with service providers and advocating for quality services.
What types of services can my MSC help me access?
Depending on your interests and needs, your MSC can link you to:
•Respite services
•Recreation programs
•Residential placement
•Community or day habilitation programs
•Entitlements and family reimbursements
•Employment services
•Adaptive technologies
•Environmental modifications
•Equipment loan closets
Am I eligible?
In order to qualify for Medicaid Service Coordination, participants must:
•Have a qualifying diagnosis through the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) such as an intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism, a neurological impairment with onset prior to the age of 22. Click here to visit the OPWDD website to learn more about OPWDD eligibility.
•Cannot be currently enrolled in other service coordination programs
•Cannot live in a residence that includes service coordination (nursing home, developmental centers, intermediate care facilities, etc.)
If you have any questions, free free to contact us to learn more.