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The Guided Search helps you find long term services and supports in your area. A set of questions will help you identify services and supports that may meet your needs.See the FAQs to learn how to save and organize your search results.
The Category Search is arranged by topic. Click on a category in the menu below to learn more about it. Use the location bar above to find providers of these services in your area.See the FAQs to learn how to save and organize your results.
Resources that provide survival level services including food, housing, material goods, transportati...
Resources that provide medical and/or supportive services for people with disabilities or behavioral...
Resources that help meet financial needs by helping people find and sustain employment, enroll in pu...
Resources that help people access social groups and activities in their communities including commun...
Resources that protect consumer rights, help with legal services and provide information on public s...
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Email: Contact: Dee Cady, Title: Administrative Assistant/AdvocateManagement:Thea Parker, Title: Program Coordinator Services offered: Clothing (infant through adult); Family Life Section includes infant to 3T clothing open daily also if donated diapers, formula, layettes, etc. with limited access. Personal Items (toiletries, toothpaste, etc) available once monthly; Bread and Produce Pantry; Housewares Limited Prescription Vouchering Program; Prescription Drug Assistance Program-will work with pharmaceutical companies/person in obtaining 3 month supplies of ongoing rx. Need to renew application on an annual basis.Application process: Application/intake forms for new clients. Each year thereafter application form needs to be completed for the Prescription Assitance Program; Vouchering Program every 6 months.Documentation required for service: Social Security Cards for all members of household Need to see information annually. Proof of financials for the Prescription Assistance Program and Prescription Vouchering Program.Proximity to public transportation: Bus Route across street in front of Rite Aid.
Medicaid is the umbrella that supplies the financial source for many variations in medical assistance. Community Medicaid is provided mainly through Managed Care plans.
New York State attempts to alleviate barriers to accessing health insurance by eliminating the face-to-face interview requirements. Applications for Medicaid can be made online at or at our office.
Health Insurance for all New Yorkers is available through the New York State of Health Plan Marketplace. Access to this can be through the website above or by calling 1-855-355-5777.
income based medical assistance
Even if your annual income is higher, you still may be able to get some help. Contact Social Security for details on income and resource limits. Helps pay for the costs of monthly premiums, annual deductibles and prescription co-payments related to your Medicare prescription drug plan. If you already receive Extra Help, you will not need to reapply in 2010. SS will see if you are entitled to any additional Extra Help because they no longer count your life insurance or help with household expenses. SS will send information to your state notifying them you may eligible for a Medicare Savings Program which may help with Parts A and B.
"The Open Door Transition Center helps people in nursing homes and Intermediate Care Facilities who want to return to the community. Transition Specialists provide residents with information about home and community based services needed to return to the community. Working with the discharge planner, they assist in finding services in the community, including locating housing and provide community preparedness education to make sure that individuals have the information/skills they will need when they return to the community. Open Doors also offers peer support through the Peer Outreach and Referral program.
The program works closely with the Nursing Home Transition and Diversion (NHTD) and the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Medicaid Waivers and Medicaid Managed Long Term Care Plans to provide services that will support people in the community.
has value
Offers limited financial assistance to cancer patients for homecare, childcare and transportation for chemotherapy and radiation treatments.
Prescription Assistance Program helps Chenango County residents to get medicines they need for long term if they are uninsured and cannot afford to buy their prescription drugs. The program also helps people who have Medicare Part D coverage when they cannot afford their medicines.
The Home and Community-Based Services Nursing Home Transition and Diversion (NHTD) Medicaid waiver provides supports and services to people with disabilities and the elderly who wish to continue living in their homes. Under the NHTD waiver, AIM provides service coordination, Community Integration Counseling, Positive Behavioral Inteventions and Supports and independent-living-skills training.
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