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Term: Category: Clothing

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Viewing 1-10 of 41 Results
  • Mother Marianne's West Side Boutique

    "West Side Boutique offers clothing, books, toys and personal care items to soup kitchen patrons.

    Spearheaded by soup kitchen volunteer Nancy Robert, the free store quickly expanded from a small spot in the basement to a classroom filled with clothes racks and tables, and myriad other items. The boutique is open on Monday and Wednesday.

    Much of the inventory is new, and some is gently used. Over the winter, the boutique provided coats, boots, hats, scarves and gloves to soup kitchen guests in desperate need. Others have been outfitted with a set of new clothes to help them look sharp for job interviews.

    Two barber chairs occupy one corner of the boutique that is now dubbed, West Side Salon, where guests can get haircuts from 12 to 1 on the first Monday of the month, thanks to Linda Perrymen and Debbie Moorhead, owners of Hair Solutions in Yorkville.

    Nancy also coordinates health screenings, provided from noon to 1 on the second Thursday of the month by Dr. Mark Warfel, director of the Mohawk Valley Health System’s St. Elizabeth Family Medicine Residency Program, and doctors training to become family practitioners."

    Provider:Mother Marianne's West Side Boutique
    Provider Address:St. Joseph St. Patrick Church, 702 Columbia St., Oneida, Utica, NY, 13502
    Mother Marianne's West Side Boutique
  • Ogden Hillcrest United Methodist Thrift Shop

    Offers donated used clothing and small household items for low cost. Clothing for employment at no charge.

    Provider:Ogden Hillcrest United Methodist Church
    Provider Address:1061 Chenango Street, Broome, Binghamton, NY, 13901
    Telephone:(607) 723-2637
    Ogden Hillcrest United Methodist Church
  • Food Pantry & Clothing Closet - Lockport Neighborhood Center - NiagaraCAP

    On-site emergency food pantry. Also provides information on meal planning and budgeting.

    Clothing closet provides new and used clothing for children and adults. Professional Clothes Closet available for residents seeking job placement.

    Provider:Neighborhood Center - Lockport - Niagara Community Action Program
    Provider Address:180 Washburn Street, Niagara, Lockport, NY, 14094
    Neighborhood Center - Lockport - Niagara Community Action Program
  • Thrifty Shopper

    The Thrifty Shopper, operated by Rescue Mission Alliance, provides used clothing and small household goods at low cost.

    Provider:Rescue Mission Alliance
    Provider Address:1139 Upper Front Street, Broome, Binghamton, NY, 13901
    Rescue Mission Alliance
  • The Clothing House

    Cameron Community Ministries Clothing House is open Tuesday – Thursday, 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. by appointment. Offers a wide range of children's and adult clothing, shoes, accessories, undergarments and socks, linens, and small housewares. Availability of items depends of donations and we may not have items available in every size. We also offer a supply of hygiene items, such as soap, toothpaste and shampoo for a modest fee.

    Please call 254-2697 and follow the prompts to speak directly with the Clothing House staff and volunteers. Donations are accepted Monday - Friday from 9am-4pm or by special arrangements.

    Provider:Cameron Community Ministries
    Provider Address:48 Cameron Street, Monroe, Rochester, NY, 14606-
    Cameron Community Ministries
  • Clothing Closet

    In need of clothing? Please stop by Monday through Friday between 9:00am - 1:00pm and we would be happy to assist you.

    Provider:Neighborhood Transformation Center
    Provider Address:314 W. Church St., Chemung, Elmira, NY, 14901-
    Neighborhood Transformation Center
  • Children's Clothing Closet

    • Free clothing for children

    • Please call for an appointment

    Provider:Genesis Center
    Provider Address:2161 Seneca Street, Erie, Buffalo, NY, 14210
    Genesis Center
  • Kateri's Thrift Store

    Kateri's Thrift Store provides quality used clothing and household items to families and individuals, regardless of income or geographic location. Donations are accepted from consumers for items obtained, with exception of households who have been given a referral from a school, church or agency. Kateri's is located on the ground level of the Little Falls Community Center. The store operates Tuesday-Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Clothing and household donations are welcome and can be dropped off during regular store hours.

    Provider:Catholic Charities of Herkimer County
    Provider Address:61 West Street, Herkimer, Ilion, NY, 13357
    Catholic Charities of Herkimer County
  • Clothing and Household Items

    Clothing and household items are available. Donations of good, clean, new or used clothing and household items are appreciated. CCTT reserves the right to limit the amount of clothing per person due to limited items on hand.

    Provider:Catholic Charities of Tompkins/Tioga
    Provider Address:139 Roki Blvd, Tioga, NICHOLS, NY, 13812-
    Catholic Charities of Tompkins/Tioga
  • Care Net Pregnancy Center

    Our Mission

    We are a Christ-centered ministry empowering women to make informed, life-affirming choices in a non-judgmental environment.

    All of our services are free and confidential.

    We provide free pregnancy tests, pregnancy options / peer counseling, referrals, post-abortion counseling and education (PACE) and parenting classes. All of our services are free and confidential. Care Net Pregnancy Center of Canandaigua is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization.

    Provider:Canandaigua Churches in Action
    Provider Address:Canandaigua Churches in Action, 120 North Main, Suite 37, Ontario, CANANDAIGUA, NY, 14424-
    Telephone:(585)-393-0437, (800)-721-4357
    Canandaigua Churches in Action
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